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the world of color we look for differentation of the seeds for the sowing and those for human consumption, for this we recommend our branded products AGRONYL.

This color does not affect the germination of the product, and it can be mixed with different insecticides and fungicides and thus achieve the final mixture and complete adhesion to the seed.



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Our brand AGRONYL have some advantages over other dyes used for this purpose, such as better performance, about 50% more, greater coverage and adherence, ease of handling and little or no pollution due to valatility.

Dosages recommended is 0.2 Kg of AGRONYL for 1 ton of treated seed.

Normally we used the red for this application, but we have a wide variety of colors that can be an alternative for different uses.

   Carrera 46 No 48Csur-40 Ciudadela Real - Interior 122 Envigado (Antioquia) Colombia
   Telefono 57 - 604 334 35 25